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Thin Veneer - Hog Creek Veneer Series


SmoothFace     SplitFace     RoughBack    RockFace     Blends    Thin Veneer     Tech/Specs



Available Colors: Frisco Buff and Avoca Charcoal
Available in SmoothFace, SplitFace, RoughBack or

   custom blends

Custom textures also available

Maximum weight is 15 lbs per sq ft

Maximum face dimension is 720 sq inches

See your Mezger Architectural Representative for available dimensions and finishes 

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The high compression strength of Hog Greek Lueders limestone makes it the perfect product for Thin Veneer. Utilized for wall veneer, thin veneer is produced at 1.25-inch thickness and up to 12-inch course heights. It is applied to multiple patterns, including broken bond, ashlar, running bond, and various and random course heights. Mezger Enterprises custom fabrication of "L" corners into the thin veneer ashlars is what sets us apart from other fabricators. 

Click the photos to enlarge and more detail

TV101: Commercial Interior Wall

TV101: Commercial Interior Wall

Custom blend thin veneer

TV102: Church Interior Wall

TV102: Church Interior Wall

Random ashlar pattern with sawn sides and chopped ends in Frisco Buff SplitFace

TV103: L corner

TV103: L corner

Mezger provides true "L"corners

TV104: SpitFace Thin Veneer

TV104: SpitFace Thin Veneer

Sawn four sides, multi coursed pattern

TV105: Thin Veneer Diagram

TV105: Thin Veneer Diagram

TV106: Thin Veneer

TV106: Thin Veneer

Random Ashlar pattern

TV 107: Commercial Exterior

TV 107: Commercial Exterior

Random chopped thin veneer blend

TV108: Random Coursed

TV108: Random Coursed

TV109: Exterior Feature Wall

TV109: Exterior Feature Wall

Sawn four sides, ashlar pattern in RoughBack/SplitFace Blend

TV 110: Interior Feature Wall

TV 110: Interior Feature Wall

RoughBack large format coursed pattern thin veneer

TV 111: Sams Service Center

TV 111: Sams Service Center

Random Chopped thin veneer columns

TV112: Interior Feature Wall

TV112: Interior Feature Wall

TV113: Outdoor Living

TV113: Outdoor Living

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